Hydrocarbons are a common organic compound—made through organic matter decomposition—found throughout the petrochemical industry.

While a valuable natural combustion and energy source, these hydrocarbons are also quite hazardous to the human body. Hydrogen, ethane, heptane, and more hydrocarbons are known to cause respiratory, liver, and kidney complications. Thankfully, having a quality FID analyzer, commonly known as a Toxic Vapor Analyzer or TVA*, at your chemical plant can greatly reduce the risks associated with hydrocarbon exposure.

Our phx42 FID monitor is the latest flame ionization detector designed to perform Method 21, SOR/2020-231, EN 15446 inspections, HAZMAT, Emergency Response and many other types of total hydrocarbon(VOC) detection.

Learn more about the special features and capabilities of our FID analyzer by contacting our friendly team at LDARtools today. We’re eager to help you find the best FID meter products and solutions for your facility.

*This is a misnomer, but also a term the industry has accepted to describe portable FIDs.

External Bluetooth Control

Entirely controlled by a wireless hand-held. phx42 also includes powerful datalogging software that can be used to create electronic records of inspections. Also Connects to Chateau Mobile as well LeakDAS and Guideware Mobile LDAR Software.

Control of Hydrogen

Major improvements have been made to the control of Hydrogen. Manual adjustment will no longer be needed.

Extended Range

phx42 is still an FID, but the upper range has been raised drastically over phx21 and the TVA1000b/TVA2020.

Expanded Safety Certifications

Certified per the following applicable standards: FM/UL (United States), CSA (Canada), ATEX (European Union), IECEx (USA, Canada, China, Saudi Arabia, and more). This allows the use of phz42 to comply with Method 21, SOR/2020-231, and EN 15446.


12 years of working with phx21 and hundreds of customers have paved the way to phx42.

Continuous Monitoring Now Possible 24/7

Able to run with external H2 and Power indefinitely. No need to swap H2 cylinders. Automatic logging is included when Android Device is connected when using the free phxApp. Note: not for use in hazardous locations as the power supply is not certified.

Negative Flameout Values

Negative values are represented in a specific manner, avoiding confusion and ensuring accurate readings.

Smarter Portable FID Calibration

Calibration tables are edited in real-time to maintain accuracy in the event a phx42 is calibrated under contaminated conditions, resulting in negative ppm values for more than 1 minute. Accuracy is maintained by correcting all calibration points for any leftover VOCs.