Explore Features
EPA Method 21 Software
Comply with all aspects of EPA Method 21 requirements from controlling sample and dwell time to robust management of AVO events and daily QC audits of more than 120 database issues along with email alerts of anomalies to key personnel.
OGI Program
Designed for robust and efficient management of OGI inspection programs for OOOOa or the Method 21 Alternatative Work Practice(AWP). Enables automatic transfer of OGI images and videos from the camera or the handheld directly into the inspection records with the touch of an especially designed computer screen.
Method 21 and OGI Hybrid Programs
Chateau has been designed and optimized for managing programs combining traditional M21 inspection processes with alternative work practice rules for OGI inspections. All the scheduling, inspection tracking and records are located in one place- maximizing the strengths of each method within a single, flexible framework.
Premier Leak Detection and Repair Program
Designed from 25 years of experience with state-of-the-art programming tools. Built to manage all of your LDAR data including calibration records, technican certifications AND components, rules, leaks and inspection.
Cloud Solution with WebApp
Access your LDAR database and manage every function from any computer with access to the internet. Enable Techs to check in and check out data via wifi from anywhere in the world.
Used for all Fugitive Emission Projects
Designed to manage any type of fugitive emissions challenge, including major database projects, simple or complex rules and Method 21 or OGI inspections or both.
Comply with all VOC and Hazardous Air Pollutant Fugitive Emissions Regulations
Chateau provides a comprehensive databae solution for ensuring the highest level of compliance with the full range of regulatory requirements facing the world-wide LDAR community.
Inspection Routing REPAIR Tool
SkyRoute is an industry-only tool for utilizing GPS information along with an AI analysis of available component information to organize, sort and re-route existing tag inventories to make major improvements in the efficiency of the route sequence.
Daily QC Audits
Chateau is equipped to perform more than 100 database audits each day. Anomalies or alert items can be automatically emailed to any individual in order to optimize the proper awareness and response.
Customized Rule Management
Chateau’s Rule engine gives you the ability to manage the full range of regulatory and permit requirements, including exemptions, inspection frequency, special monitoring requirements, leak definitions and PPM event response practices.
Fully Automated Calibration Capability
When combined with a SpanBox, Chateau is able to manage the entire calibration process, record all relevant calibration data, transfer directly into the WebApp’s database AND reconcile each and every inspections with the necessary daily and quarterly calibration process along with Drift Assessments, if needed, and the necessary calibration gas cylinder certifications.
Enhanced GPS Feature with Chateau Mobile (Android)
Enhanced GPS functionality not only provides bird’s Eye view of the Technician’s monitoring activities, it is also designed to enable the Tech to efficiently locate components, areas within the facility, or specific, key locations (such as rally points, first aid stations, or control rooms).
Field inspection with Chateau Mobile (Android) with WI-FI/cellular Sync
All inspection records (including Method 21 and OGI data) can be electronically captured via Bluetooth technology by Chateau Mobile operating on a current Android device. All inspection and component data can also be easily synced to the WebApp via any adequate WIFI connection.
Simplified emission calculations
Chateau performs emission calculation using USEPA approved method and factors. Users can also perform those calculations using customized emission factors along with applying any and all appropriate credits.
ISO 27001 Certified
LDARtools holds an ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certificate for the Chateau/Chateau Mobile product to ensure that our customers can benefit from the best practice strategies outlined by this global standard for information security management systems (ISMS).
Special Features
Track and support 62 “M21Why” settings (reasons why M21 inspections are performed)
Support optional array of 78 different component properties
69 fully customizable picklists
Automated “Next Action” tracking on all open leaks
Detector Types joined: Chemicals Streams, Components, Tours and Analyzers
Attempt Type (Simple, Standard, Advanced) data level
Track Temporarily Unavailable Components without putting them OOS
Leak definitions managed independently of PPM Attempts and ReTests
Integration of ALL LDAR data: techs, certifications, cylinders, calibrations, etc
Apply Rules to Component Groups- NOT directly to Components
Flexible and robust MOC System
Manage “excess” DTMs easily and transparently
Manage additional monitoring on new equipment with Install Date
SubSubTypes (designed for HRVOC components)
Rules run automatically every day at 4:00AM
Ability to document closed leaks for various reasons
Attach documents or comments to Tags, Attempts, Leaks, Inspections, etc
Immediate Missed Monitoring reconciliation
Immediate Past Due Repair reconciliation
Track M21Variance at inspection level (Tech was not able to follow Method 21)
Sub Tag Protection (.1 and .2 tags are protected during any data edit)
Extensive Industry and Expert Design Input
Technical Information
Chateau Screenshots
Daily Audit and Email Alerts
Chateau Reports
Chateau Videos
Chateau Cartoons
INDUSTRY DRIVEN: Design lead by the leaders in LDAR.

Chemical Stream Management
Leaker Management
Emissions Calculations
Standard Rules
LDARtoolsOnline Environmental

AVO Management
OGI Reliability Testing
LowE Programs
Consent Decree Compliance
OGI Alternate Work Practice
Standard and Customized Reports
Technician Safety
BWON Support
M21 and Calibration Compliance
M21 Why Settings
P&ID Support
Audit Events and Support
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Sales and Support
For information, contact us at: sales@ldartools.com or 877-788-1110 x2.