LDAR database

Chateau Features Fixed or Improved:


  • Switched order of Inspection and Attempts processing in Chateau Mobile to automatically resolve closed Leaks with Attempt and passing Inspection not working when performed in the same session.


  • MOC Porch processing improved to allow Users to approve multiple edits to a single Component simultaneously.


  • New option for frequency of Leak Alerts: ‘Immediately upon Check-in.’ Select this option to immediately send an email when a Leak has been opened in Chateau, either from a manually added failing Inspection or a Leak processed in from Chateau Mobile.
  • Reporting emissions on DORs is now supported. When a DOR is opened, there is now an option to select the Emission Model that should be used for this DOR. On the DOR details and DOR grids, a Total Emissions and a Projected Emissions column has been added to report this. Projected emissions will be calculated using the Estimated Repair date from each DOR.
  • Reporting projected emissions for Shutdowns is now supported. For each shutdown, the projected emissions for all DORs assigned to that Shutdown will be reported to the Shutdowns grid. Projected emissions will be calculated using the Estimated Repair date from each DOR.
  • First Attempt, First Retest, and Final Resolution due dates are now converted to the facility time zone on the leaks grid.


  • Tour Details screen now supports Spanish language.
  • The “Move to Another Tour” prompt is now correctly sized to display the buttons without scrolling.

Field Events:

  • Added new Component Prompts module to display tailored messages to the Technician in Chateau Mobile based on component properties. Use the query builder to specify which Components you want a message to be displayed in Chateau Mobile to the technician when they first open that Component in the handheld, then type out the message you want them to see.


  • Type was added as a parameter for the Simplified Leak History, Inspection History, DOR Summary Agency, DRO Summary, and Periodic Inspection Summary reports.


  • When submitting a support issue from Chateau, the urgency can now be selected.

User Experience:

  • Additional logging was added throughout Chateau to help resolve issues and crashes.
  • Added better support for multiple API instances for faster checkouts.


  • Previously if a Rule did not have an M21 or AVO Frequency for a Component, that Rule did not show in the Tag View/Rules tab. This has been resolved, and now all Rules that are or have been assigned to the Component appear in the Tag View Rules Tab.
  • When saving a Component edit or new Component, the ‘Run Rules after Saving’ prompt is now unchecked by default for faster save times. If you would like the rules to run on your changes immediately, then just check the box before clicking save.

Chateau Mobile Features Added or Improved:


  • Resolved an error when adding a component from scratch back-to-back using the Add component from scratch option in the Main Menu.
  • Shortened dialog prompt on the Archer 3 for when saving TUx Profile changes so the Android navigational buttons do not prevent the Technician from tapping save.

User Experience:

  • Additional logging was added to help troubleshoot app crashes and freezes.

Field Events:

  • Added new Component Prompts module to display messages when a component is opened in the tour.


  • Resolved an occasional issue of negative numbers showing for the number of completed inspections.