This chart depicts one of the most amazing achievements in the history of the LDAR industry. It tells the story, with cold, hard numbers, of the unprecedented success of the phx42 FID analyzer, also commonly known as a Toxic Vapor Analyzer or TVA*, as an LDAR tool.


The blue line shows the increase in phx42s sold since 2018. Thanks to our friends and customers for the warm reception our favorite analyzer has experienced! But the green line tells an even more amazing story. It shows the total number of RMAs per quarter since the birth of the phx42.


An RMA represents an incident in which a phx42 has to be sent to our lab for repair. You can see the green line’s initial jump (in RMAs) when the phx42 was introduced. We learned with each RMA. We thought deeply, made changes, improved our training, and made things better.


So even as the number of phx42s in service has grown dramatically (to more than 1300), we have been able to keep the RMAs per quarter to the same level we were at when we had only 250 phx42s in the field. The LDAR industry has never seen anything like it.


Thanks to our staff, customers, vendors, and suppliers! We are making history.


*This is a misnomer, but also a term the industry has accepted to describe portable FIDs.