The Importance of Volatile Organic Compound Leak Detection

The Importance of Volatile Organic Compound Leak Detection

Did you know that prioritizing emissions monitoring throughout your facility can benefit your business’s success and productivity? Learn more about the importance of volatile organic compound leak detection and related LDAR technologies.

What Are Volatile Organic Compounds?

Volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, are either natural materials or human-made chemicals that contain health-hazardous elements. Natural VOCs are typically found in petroleum fuel vapors, isoprenes, and monoterpenes, whereas manufactured VOCs include solvents like fuel oxygenates trichloroethylene and MTBE. Chloroform and other water treatment byproducts are also common examples of volatile organic compounds.

VOCs within refineries and related industrial plants are emitted through gases in the air due to burning solid or liquid forms of organic compounds. Human exposure to VOC emissions can cause many minor and significant health complications, including internal tissue damage, throat irritation, persistent respiratory conditions, and nervous system issues. Plus, most volatile organic compounds are carcinogenic in their gaseous state.

What Is VOC Leak Detection?

If volatile organic compounds are so dangerous, why are they used so commonly in refineries and related industrial plants? Many of these organic materials produce valuable fuel when burned or vaporized, and facilities can effectively manage their VOC emissions with the proper equipment. That’s where VOC leak detection comes into play, as they’re often a part of a larger Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) system. VOC leak detection is a collection of equipment and software responsible for diagnosing and locating potentially hazardous emissions.

For example, an advanced LDAR system can determine the accurate position of a VOC leak and implement helpful solutions to mitigate the impact. Included within many LDAR systems is an FID analyzer, which measures analytes throughout a gas stream. This is just one of the many elements that make these protective measures so beneficial to employees, the general public, and the environment.

Understanding the Importance of VOC Leak Detection

There are endless benefits to prioritizing effective VOC leak detection throughout your facility. First and foremost, it’s an ethical—and often legally mandated—decision that protects the health and well-being of employees, surrounding communities, and nearby ecosystems. With the proper LDAR tools, refineries can reduce the likelihood of human-toxin exposure, atmospheric explosions, and other catastrophic emergency situations.

Thanks to the superior accuracy of LDAR equipment, downtime related to leak repairs is significantly reduced, enhancing facility productivity and success. Ultimately, VOC and LDAR technology helps your business’ bottom line—a win-win scenario!

The importance of volatile organic compound leak detection cannot be understated, especially in hazardous refineries and related working environments. It saves lives and the environment and boosts your business’s productivity. Contact our friendly team at LDARtools today and learn how our emissions detection equipment and solutions can benefit your facility.