It's Friday and the pond is almost done!
UncategorizedHappy Friday!
We recently had a new metal building built to house inventory and the machine shop. The county required that we build retention, for drainage purposes.
While we could have stopped at the above and likely met the requirements-…

LDARtools Presents: Tips from Techs Vol. 1 Issue 2
UncategorizedTips from Techs features real maintenance and repair issues – with real solutions from LDARtools’ very own repair technicians.
Hello from LDARtools Repair Shop,
Here’s a quick tip to avoid a costly mistake to your phx21 and your charger.…

LDAR Delay of Repair by Colin Sheffield
UncategorizedColin did an Fantastic job presenting at this years ISA LDAR symposium.
The presentation was a fresh and entertaining reminder that we are in this business to not only comply with the LDAR reguations but to actually find and FIX leaks.

LDARtools Presents: Tips from Techs Vol.1 Issue 1
UncategorizedLDARtools will be featuring advice from LDARtools' own repair technicians in a new blog spot called "Tips from Techs". If you have any repair, maintanance, or preventative maintanice questions that you would like our techs to address,…

Why Level 1 Repair Certification for the phx21 is Beneficial
UncategorizedRepair certification leads to less time & money loss. Have you recently purchased a phx21 for your LDAR program?
Have you changed personnel and no longer have some certified to perform onsite maintenance of your phx21? More and more…

What maintenance is required for phx21?
UncategorizedFind out simple maintenance steps to keep your phx21 in top working condition.
For the majority of gadgets, devices, and tools that we use everyday, regular maintenance is the key to keeping them running like they should. We at LDARtools feel…

Hello from Taiwan! Day 2 phx21 repair training.
UncategorizedKevin Moses, Director of Operations, shares day two of his visit to Taiwan.
Today I did phx21 repair training with the engineers at Pantech in Taichung today. Really brilliant people with the right tools and a great setup. We were also able…

Hello from Taiwan! Day 1: phx21 gas station well monitoring.
UncategorizedKevin Moses, Director of Operations, shares day one of his visit to Taiwan.
I am currently visiting Pantech in Taiwan to meet customers and train them on more advanced phx21 repairs. I arrived last night about midnight after 21 hours of travel.

New Partnership and LDAR Datalogger!
UncategorizedLDARtools is excited to announce a new partnership and arrival of a new product line from Janam Technologies. The fastest and lightest LDAR Datalogger available for industry wide use. Now available for ordering, the XM66 Rugged Mobile Computer; Rugged,…
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