The LDARtools Office and Repair Lab in Dickinson, TX will be closed Wednesday 8/26 and Thursday 8/27 due to Hurricane Laura.
Any orders that need to be filled prior to 8/28 must be submitted to no later than noon today (Tuesday 8/25).
Stay Safe!

Effective immediately, LDARtools will offer all domestic purchasers of a new phx42 the benefit of a free loaner for any warranty repair that is required within the first 90 days after purchase.

The reason we are doing this is, first of all, because it doesn’t happen very often! But when it does, we want to make sure that our customers (who are also, mostly, our friends) can get back to work as quickly as possible while we get the silly thing fixed.

The option to receive a loaner will be offered when the issue is submitted and the loaner will be FREE unless the repair is determined to have been caused by contamination or abuse.

This new benefit will be extended to ALL phx42s purchased in the future AND those that have already been purchased.

(This special arrangement is not available for international customers.)

If you have any questions or if you want to buy some more phx42s contact

Over the course of the last several months, we have determined that we could improve the operation of our filter removal detection feature.
We have decided to replace our current 1 – micron probe tip filters (LDAR#25)
with a newly designed .22 micron filter (LDAR#4236) that looks very similar but with an updated label and internal design.

The new .22 filter will be an improvement of our current
filter in two ways:
1. The extra filtration will make the filter removal detection function in our software much more reliable.
2. We have also redesigned the placement of the pre-filter to enable the filters to more effectively distribute the accumulated debris around the filter surface in a way that extends the life of each probe tip filter. (Stated another way, the old design allowed the contaminants to pile up on the filter in a way that blocks the sample flow more quickly than the new design.)

New .22 micron filters (LDAR#4236) are currently available at

Since joining LDARtools in January, Anthony as distinguished himself in every way possible. He has made significant contributions to our quality control processes and played a key role in supporting and encouraging everyone associated with our phx42 production and repair process. He was appointed the Interim Lab Managers on May 11th. In that role, he was instrumental in helping to manage us into our latest Brownie Celebration. As a result, Anthony has been promoted to the position of phx42 Repair Lab Manager. As such, he will be working hand-in-hand with our phx21 Repair Manager, Warren Pilkerton.

Continued thanks to Warren and congratulations to Anthony!

Even though we are all staying especially safe during these strange days, we still thought that it would be good together to count our blessings and send this special message out to all of our friends. So we stayed six feet apart and outdoors and smiled and waved!  Best wishes to you all!

We have just determined that the order of phx12 Glow Plugs that we have been expecting to receive “any day now” for the last 45 days will not arrive until May 15.

Our current stocks are very low. As a result, we are asking all of our phx21 users to expect potential delays and inconvenience. 

We also want to point out that most of your phx21s have two working glow plugs and you can successfully use the secondary glow plug in one unit as the primary glow plug in a different unit.

You MUST have a glow plug in both glow plus slots – even though one of them may be inoperable. 

Of course, we regret this interruption and we will keep you abreast of any and all developments as they occur.

If you have any questions, contact us at

There will be scheduled maintenance on the Chateau Cloud from 8:00 pm to midnight this weekend on Saturday, April 18. The Chateau Cloud will be temporarily unavailable during this time.

Thank you

After fits and starts and many adjustments, we are blessed to be able to report that our phx Repair Lab is at full capacity- in spite of the Corona event. 

We are proud to be able to assist our customers- who are essential parts of keeping America (and the world!) productive, clean and healthy. 

The good news is that 98.6% of our instruments are in the field. We know that “98.6% means optimal health, we are still shooting for 100% and a Brownie Celebration- Soon! 

And a Brownie Celebration is just what the LDAR world needs right now. 

Even though both Galveston and Harris County have announced shelter-in-place requirements for all residents, we have confirmed that LDARtools is an essential business due to the importance of the work that we do. Based on that, we have mandated that all of our folks, who can, begin working remotely- as of today. In addition, we have arranged for the equipment lab, warehouse and shipping departments to remain open and effective.

While there has been some disruption in the staffing of our equipment lab (which is leading to unfortunate delays) we are working hard to maintain both the health of the people doing the work and the quality and pace of their production. Thanks to all of our customers and friends for their encouragement, patience and support. We will get through this- together!

Christopher Wild, the chairman of the Chemistry, Engineering, Geology, and Physics Department at San Jacinto College recently approached us about their plans for starting an environmental technology program at San Jacinto College.

The purpose of the program would be to enable the student to be ready to work in the industry that we serve, including LDAR tech training, field water/sampling and testing, wastewater monitoring, etc.

They have determined that the best place to start is with an organized LDAR tech training program.

If this is something that you think might have merit, please let us know and we will get you in touch with Christopher Wild.